Friday, February 20, 2015

Global Warming oh Global Dying.

Drive Less Walk More

Global warming is the environmental issues which lead to global climate change caused by human activity. It happens when the earth’s temperature heats up because of the increasing emissions of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, water vapor, nitrous oxide, methane and chlorofluorocarbon. Increasing greenhouse gas emissions indirectly caused by human activities such as excessive in using energy, the rapid increase in technology but not used wisely, careless with the environments and many others. The main impact of global warming is the unpredictable weather changes. Global warming might also led to many disasters around the world. Moreover, it is likely that emerging of new strange and infectious diseases are may also the impacts of global warming. This situation causes a lot of dangers for the earth and all living things inside, and it seems that we may exactly have made it all worse. Sadly, this inconvenient truth about inevitable dangers of global warming for many parts of the world has been spread in everywhere, but still less people who really care about that.

However, it is possible that global warming issue will be more threatening for our living if we do not take any action to solve it. Self-improvement is important. We need to wake up and build up our self-consciousness to change. Taking care with the environments and all living things around us are good ways to save our planet earth from nasty global warming effects. We can start by not throwing the trash in somewhere. Then, if we cannot stop the deforestation, at least we can do reforestation by planting the trees as much as possible we can do. A single tree could absorb one ton of carbon dioxide over its lifetime. Thereafter, we also can save a great number of carbon dioxide per year by recycling just half of our household waste rather than accommodating it or throwing it carelessly so it would pollute the environment. Furthermore, we need to avoid products with a lot of packaging. When we are able cutting down our garbage, we are not only caring with the environmental but also reducing the emission of carbon dioxide gases.
The other solutions in the matter of global warming are choose the energy efficient appliances, and use them judiciously in our daily life to reduce the carbon emissions. Replacing one regular light bulb with a compact fluorescent light bulb might save a few pounds of carbon dioxide. Besides, simply turning off our TV, DVD player, computer and another electricity device or energy appliance when we are not using them also can reduce the carbon emissions. We often keep plugging our phone charger whereas we have done with it, but it is quite likely that unplugging phone charger when it is not used is as important as saving energy use. If we can, replace AC with fan and use the refrigerator as needed to reduce chlorofluorocarbon gases in the atmosphere. Likewise, when we can, use our hand to wash our clothes instead of using washing machine. We should walk more than drive. By walking or biking, it is not impossible that we may save one pound of carbon dioxide for every mile we do not drive. We can use the public transportation rather than private vehicles when we will travel long distances. It can reduce both the emission of greenhouse gases and congestion.

In addition, we should not fight alone to save the world where millions people live there. We need to remind them about the dangers of global warming. We need to invite them to do what we do in order to save the world. We need to speak up to make them wake up and together make changes with our life styles that tend to destructive. This global dying of global warming is might getting threatening to our life in the earth if we just keep ignoring the warning. If we are children, we can start by ringing a bell to our parents for making a little change in their life. They need to care about our live in the future. If we are parents, we should concern what would happen in the future when we maintain the breath of global warming go on living in the only one earth we belong, to breathe our fresh air and change it with the polluted air. If we have neighbours, we can collect them to do such counselling what we have already known about the dangers of global warming in order to do changes. From one to one, from group to group, from a little to a lot, we should believe that we can do that.

The last but not least, I need to emphasize again that global warming is not a trivial case. Global warming is a global warning from God to us. Remembering that we may the main cause of global warming issue, it should drive us to change. We have to know and remember that a little thing we can do is a big mean for our living. There are a lot of simple things we can do to decrease emissions of greenhouse gases. Spread to the world and encourage our friends to open our eyes and ears of the dangers of global warming to the world. Make our live to be more useful by doing the good deeds and remind each other for the common good.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Unrequited First Love

The Bitternes of Unrequited First Love
(adapted from the story of a girl whose heart is unstable now)
In the corner of the most romantic place in my school, I found my worth little everlasting thing in the world. In a quiet beautiful park with many trees and benches underneath, I got the most impressive experience throughout my life. When the wind smelt slow and cool when it blew, something thrilling had happened to me clumsily, but it was true. No one could never guess what had exactly done to my heart just because of him. It was about 5 years ago, when I was younger , when I was in Senior High School.
I loved him at first sight when he was accidentally stood before me and smiled at me in that park. It was my second special place in this school after my room. Deg! I felt my heart stopped beating for a second. My cheek was blushing without clear reason. It brought my heart to heaven. Then I saw so many butterflies in him, love sign through his eyes that only I who could see and define it. Who was he? And how could he find me here, under the third tree from the left, the biggest one, the best one to hide.
However, those were not my questions when the first time I saw his face, but why could not I release the gaze of him at all. I thought it was my fate to meet him here. The place where I used to be alone and muse. God sent him to accompany me in the following days. I didn’t know how could it be. He may be very ordinary person for others, I guessed, but for me he was so different, I sensed. He stole my heart with just one look, and it just took a minute. I just fell in love at the first time I saw his face. That was really first love at first sight.
I could not erase his shadow from my eyes. His cool face fascinated me for a while. Till I felt so breathless at the moment. Oh my God, I was asking by myself. What it was? What had happened to me? Was it something which people call by love? I did not understand and I did not want to understand. I just wanted this feeling alive eternally. I did not find out who he was, in what grade he was or in what class he was. I concluded that whoever he was, if he was truly created for me, then we would easily find the way to meet again and unite.
A year ran hardly to me without seeing him again at least for the second time. Nevertheless, in a year I always came early to the school. I waited for another coincidental moment with him, but it never happened. I started being wonder whether I had been dreaming of prince, delusion prince whom I met last year in my secret nest that was also an imagination or it was really him. I became surrender being silent. I wanted to look for him. However, I did not know how to do, how to start finding him while I had not been sure with everything about him and his reality.
Moreover, I had difficulties of social lives. I used to think that I was better alone, no friends or companies. I never engaged with others’ conversation. I lived in my own life, and just because of him, should I change myself? I was really confused. On the following day, I tried to be normal girl in my school. I pretended to be more friendly with others and started sharing my nicest smile after long time ago I never did it. Love was earnestly more mysterious than its mystery. The evidence that it brought me to another world, love had been seriously shaking my life.
This is the first day of the new academic year in my school. I was in mathematics and natural science class. I felt that I started living in the real life by thinking of someone other than myself. 5 minutes after the bell rang, a good looking teacher got into my class, and the one that really startled me was a boy behind him. Oh my God, was this real? He was him. He was truly exist and real. He looked at me and smiled again for me. Without command, my heart was beating louder, and my blood was flowing so profusely after seeing him, in the second time. I just let it crash. My feeling inside. For once in my life, I didn’t have to tried to be happy, cause when I saw him it just happened. He made me so alive and he gave the best for me, love and fantasy.

Yet, who knows? The story was not end as happy as my dream. A day after he got me flowery cause his gaze and his smile to me, I saw him again, of course, because we were in same class, but he was not alone. There was a girl walked beside him came in the class together. They looked so intimately. Before I escaped from this  moment, he had successfully weakened my energy by his words “I am going to wash my hand, dear” to that girl, then he went out. Did you know what? The girl was a girl who sat behind me. Besides his love, so his smile, his gaze, were those all not for me too? What was this? Who was he? Why did he do this to me? why did he come to my life? How could he easily change everything about me then break my heart? we even never got a real conversation. What a miserable waiting! How purblind I am. No sobs, no speaking, my tears just fell down. I was numb.